How would you like to outlive your life? How would you like to outgive your life? Ordinary people from all walks of life, incomes levels, and professions, who possess an indelible love of life and concern for others, have done extraordinary deeds that go beyond their breath on this earth. Imagine the impact on one life, one family, and the entire future of a generation and nation if each one of us remembered a favorite charity or cause in our will or estate plan.

Make your mark and maximize your life by making a bequest to the FLC. Leave a legacy and give a gift that keeps giving. If you're interested, fill in the form, and we will contact you.

Here are some ways that you can remember us in your will:

  • Fixed Amount: I give the sum of $_____ to the Family Learning Center.
  • Specific Property: I give my ______ to the Family Learning Center.
  • Percentage of Remainder: I give ___% of the remainder of my estate to the Family Learning Center.
  • Contingency: In the event _____ does not survive me, I give _____ to the Family Learning Center.

These are only some of the ways you can leave a legacy. Be sure to consult your attorney about your gift.

The FLC is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit charitable organization. Your gifts are tax deductible.

Outlive your life now