
Feb 2025

Dear Friends,

Greetings! My name is Brandon Reed, and I serve as president of the Board of Directors of the Family Learning Center (FLC). FLC is on a mission to help low-income and vulnerable children and their families with educational, health and wellness, and human service resources. Since 1981, the Family Learning Center has helped over 10,000 low-income families gain the skills for upward mobility and for children to graduate from high school and college.

Each year, community members and corporations have joined in making our Family Learning Center Annual Fall Gala a success by raising funds that directly support our ever-evolving youth and family programs. This year’s 2025 Fall Gala. Would you consider joining Medtronic Foundation and its local employees as a signature sponsor for our Annual Gala this coming October?

In addition to their role as our signature sponsor in our 2025 Fall Gala, Medtronic Foundation is currently serving as an essential funding partner for our youth and family STEM educational programming this past summer and through the 2024-2025 school year. The Family Learning Center was one of 10 organizations worldwide selected by the Medtronic Foundation to embark on a multi-year partnership aimed at removing barriers to quality Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education and creating opportunity for economic advancement.

We’re continuing with exciting STEM programming at FLC. Last summer, more than 70 disadvantaged students in Boulder County participated in our six-week STEM program at the Family Learning Center. Over the course of the program, students received STEM instruction and got to put their new knowledge to work on project-based initiatives building bridges, cars, towers, and more! As we approach this summer, the program has continued to engage parents and family members in STEM-based projects.

Your sponsorship will make a huge difference in the Family Learning Center’s ability to continue meeting the needs of children and families in our community, both with our STEM programming and beyond. Together we can transform lives and build brighter futures. We look forward to hearing back from you. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me or Brenda Lyle, Executive Director, at 303-442-8979 or via email [email protected].


Brandon Reed
Family Learning Center Board President


A look at last summer’s STEM programming at FLC:
